Can I schedule appointments with staff?


Do you need further help with getting started on your research, or more in-depth assistance with using library resources? The library staff is happy to help!

You can book a 1:1 appointment with any member of our library staff for (30 minutes - 1 hour) using our University Library Bookings Page. 

When you book your appointment, you will be asked to provide your name and email, as well as your reason for the appointment so that we know how to best prepare to help you with your research. You are also able to select individual staff members to meet with if you have that preference.

Please note that video meetings will use either Zoom or Microsoft Teams - for a better experience, please log in and/or create an account for these systems before your scheduled meeting.

  • Last Updated Aug 12, 2021
  • Views 44
  • Answered By Alexi Sprague

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Do you need additional help that this service can't provide? Please reach out!

Shaw University Libraries - James E. Cheek Learning Resources Center

118 E. South Street - Raleigh, NC 27609
