Can I borrow materials from Other Libraries?


Yes, we have services available for our students to utilize resources outside of our Library walls.

  1. NC Live Network - we offer a variety of databases and resources from NC Live, easily accessed from our Library homepage and catalog. You can ask a staff member for more information at any reference desk or using our Library Chat.
  2. Cooperating Raleigh Colleges (CRC) Borrowing - Shaw U Community Members have the ability to utilize the library resources of all CRC Member colleges, including their physical items and library spaces, at no additional cost.
  3. Interlibrary Loan (ILL) - You can also request items to be mailed to our library to borrow for a short time for free, from nearly any library in the country.* We recommend that you look into CRC Lending services first to access your information sooner.

*some restrictions on lending apply

Please see our Other Lending Resources LibGuide for more information or to access our ILL Lending Request form.

  • Last Updated Apr 13, 2021
  • Views 55
  • Answered By Alexi Sprague

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Do you need additional help that this service can't provide? Please reach out!

Shaw University Libraries - James E. Cheek Learning Resources Center

118 E. South Street - Raleigh, NC 27609
