How do I advertise something at the Library?
We have two major ways to share an announcement or invitation to our Shaw Communities at the library!
- Post a physical flyer or poster in the designated Community Updates Board on the 1st floor of the Library, near the stairwell.
- Please remember to remove your flyer after relevant dates have passed
- These postings are subject to approval of the Library Director and may be removed at Library discretion
- Any posters or advertisements found within the Library but NOT on the designated area will be removed immediately, which may result in lost privilege to post on the board
- Send a request to our Access Services Library Assistant to request an addition of a digital flyer to our Library Rotating TV Displays in both the 1st and 2nd floor reading rooms.
- Preferred file type is .JPG or .PNG, horizontal orientation
- Rotating displays are only updated once per week, so we need at least 1 weeks advance notice of posting
Have more questions or want to follow up and see what we can offer? Check out or Virtual Guides LibGuide or contact our Access Services Library Assistant Alexi Sprague - 919.546.8391 or