How do I use Mobile Printing at the Library?

Printing from personal devices.


To Print from Your Computer or on Mobile


  1. You MUST send from a Shaw email account
  2. Send your print job AS AN ATTACHMENT to
    • Attachments MUST BE either PDF, MS Word, MS Excel, Powerpoint, or JPEG/PNG to print correctly
    • Email text and webpages will not print, only attachments to that email will be printed
  3. Go to the printer, and login using your credentials OR your Bears Card
  4. Select "Secure Print" on the printer touch screen
  5. Select your items, and click "Print & Delete" to retrieve your items
  6. Select "Log Out" once your print has been retrieved

To Print on a Shaw Computer

  1. Login using your Shaw Credentials
  2. Make sure the printer you send to is "Shaw Secure Print"
  3. Go to the printer, and login using your credentials OR your Bears Card
  4. Select "Secure Print" on the printer touch screen
  5. Select your items, and click "Print & Delete" to retrieve your items
  6. Select "Log Out" once your print has been retrieved


For more assistance or information about library printing, see our Using the Library LibGuide or our Library Printing FAQ.

  • Last Updated Aug 12, 2021
  • Views 32
  • Answered By Alexi Sprague

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