How do I access Grammarly for Students?


What is Grammarly?

Grammarly is a digital writing tool that provides grammar and spell checking, plagiarism detection services, and suggestions about writing clarity, concision, vocabulary, style, and tone. 

Grammarly helps students find and correct low-level errors in their written work and avoid inadvertent plagiarism. Requiring students to check their work in Grammarly before turning it in allows instructors to focus more on higher-level issues such as critical thinking, creativity, and demonstration of learning.  


How do I download/use Grammarly?

Grammarly is available across platforms. We recommend that you download the app to any devices that you use to write, by visiting You can also use their services online at

How do I get FREE Grammarly Premium for Active Shaw Students?

As of Fall 2020, Shaw Students can get free access to Grammarly Premium by signing up at with our Enterprise account access.

New Grammarly Users

  • Log in following the link sent to your Bears email: (
  • Create an account with your Bears email, full name, and unique password
  • Check your email account for the activation link
  • Once you click the Activation link, provide Shaw U Access code
  • You are in!

Existing Grammarly Users

  • Last Updated Aug 12, 2021
  • Views 89
  • Answered By Alexi Sprague

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