How do I access Digital or E-Textbooks?


Borrowing Library Digital Textbooks

As always, you can access the majority of our Shaw Libraries collection online, for free, with just your Shaw credentials! We have a wide variety of texts and books to help you with your studies and research, all searchable through our Databases and Catalogue.

For more information accessing digital books from the library, please see our Remote Access LibGuide.

Accessing Purchased Digital Textbooks

Textbooks and course materials are provided to all registered Shaw University students through the eBook and book rental program, ACCESS. eBooks are available through Moodle® and physical, hard copy, books available through our University bookstore.  

  • How ACCESS Works - From Moodle, look for the link titled "E-Course Text". Keep in mind that all textbook materials are not in electronic format. If your textbook is a hard copy, you would have received notification to your ShawBears email from the University Bookstore. The University Bookstore is located on the ground floor of the Willie E. Gary Center. 
  • How Opt-Out Works - Choosing to “Opt-Out” means you will be responsible for acquiring all textbooks and course materials needed for all of your classes. To Opt-Out, log into Moodle and select the Follett ACCESS Opt-Out form located under Additional Resources. Students who submit a form will be contacted. 
For questions and concerns about accessing Moodle or your eBook contact the Office of Digital Teaching and Learning at 

For more information on accessing or obtaining your physical books for this semester, you can contact the Shaw U Bookstore Manager, Mr. Gladden Williams ( or (919) 828-1730)

  • Last Updated Aug 12, 2021
  • Views 144
  • Answered By Alexi Sprague

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